A. Explanation of static electricity
Static electricity is an electrical charge in the collection of a certain amount which does not flow or fixed (static), but in case of cargo discharge will take a fairly short time. Or other definition of static electricity is a phenomenon in which the electrical charge of electricity that does not move and is usually found on electrically charged objects.
Said static electricity can also arise due to a phenomenon in which the objects were electrified interlocking without a power source or in other words they may generate protons and electrons without using electrical energy generation elements. Static electricity can be generated by two objects have different electrical charges.
What is that protons and electrons? There are two kinds of electric charge include positive charges (protons) and negative charges (electrons). Objects that have the same positive and negative charge is called a neutral object. There are also objects that have a positive charge and a negative charge. Benda called the positively charged if the object has a number greater than the number of protons elektorn, then called the negatively charged object if the object has elektorn number greater than the number of protons.
One example of event onset of static electricity that a ruler plastic rubbed gosokanan on dry hair, and in close proximity to the paper that has been torn into small pieces then the paper will be attracted by ruler so as if the ruler is like a magnet that can draw objects, whereas it the presence of static electricity. Why did it happen? because bits of paper which was originally a neutral charge will be induced due to the negative charge are attracted to the ruler.
What if the two objects are charged approximated? Then there will be two possibilities, the object would repel if it has the same charge and will pull objects if they have different payloads.
See also: Overview of dynamic electricity understanding and example.
B. Other examples of static electricity events
As for some other examples of static electricity, which can be found in the daily routine, which including the following:
The first, when we comb the hair without us knowing we would get carried away sometimes hair stand alone siring with comb movement. Things like this can happen because of their interaction with the charge between the comb our hair.
The third, digoso silk cloth and rubbed the glass rod. On this occasion the thing will react to each attraction. Why did it happen? after the two are rubbed rubbing will occur stepping electrons from the glass rod to crape resulting positively charged glass rod while crape negatively charged, it is almost the same as the ruler who rubbed rubbing on the hair.
The fourth, a plastic ruler rubbed rubbing on the fabric Woll. Both of these objects generally have neutral charge, but when the two rubbed rubbing will occur stepping electrons originating from Woll fabric to plastic ruler and a plastic ruler becomes negatively charged while the fabric Woll become positively charged.
Fifth, when closer to the hands of the new TV screen is turned off. At these events if noticed feathers or hair that is on hand to stand, things like that caused by the static electricity.
Those are some examples of static electricity, actually there are many more events that can cause static electricity, which is all around us like mislnya phenomenon of emergence lightning during a thunderstorm and others.
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