Tahajud prayer is one of the most sunnah practice encouraged by the Prophet Muhammad. It could be said that he was no evening passed without tahajud prayer in it. For the people, it is fitting we follow the customs of the Apostle.
Unfortunately, very few of us who carry one of these evening prayers. The reason all sorts. Could be because they do not know how, do not know virtue, taste great lazy or because of other reasons. Clearly, it seems few of us who make tahajud prayer as worship regularly.
That's one reason he made this article: to provide a full explanation about tahajud prayer to be more crowded which makes prayers tonight as regular worship.
This article contains procedures for conducting tahajud prayer, reading intentions, prayers that we read after tahajud prayer, the primacy of prayer tahajud up tips to get up at night to pray tahajud. For more details, you can see in the table of contents on the top of the article. Click the subtitles you want to read first.
Prayer Tahajud is ..
Salah Tahajud
For the uninitiated, tahajud prayer is one of the evening prayers were highly recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. Sunnah prayer is done in the period since after Isha until Fajr time entry. So tahajud prayer should not be done during the day or before evening prayers.
Then, someone who wants to pray tahajud also have to sleep first, though only briefly. No so-called prayer tahajud if not we start with Isha and sleep (although only for a few minutes).
Number of prayers tahajud prayer a minimum of two, maximum unlimited. But some say a maximum of 8-12 cycles. Implementation was generally the same as the other sunnah prayers, no special movements.
Sunnah prayers tahajud has many virtues and benefits that will be described in more detail in sub-section below.
Tahajud prayer or Salah Tahajud?
I think before membahasa too far, we need to discuss it first. Despite this, effectively, about writing, not too urgent, but needs also to be discussed.
Prayer is essentially a vocabulary in Arabic, begins with the letter ص (shod or shad). There is no equivalent word or letter equivalent between the Arabic alphabet and the Latin alphabet. Therefore, writing "tahajud prayer" could be right can also be wrong. So also with the writing "tahajud prayer", using the letters "a" and not "o". Both the same position, could be considered correct and could be considered less appropriate. Because letters in Arabic shod ص ص still, can not be paired with the Latin alphabet.
So, you can write tahajud prayer or prayer tahajud. :)
In this article too, I sometimes write "tahajud prayer", sometimes also with a "prayer
Oh yes, if you follow the vocabulary of Arabic, the word "tahajud" was actually to be written with "tahajjud" because there shadda over the letter jim. However, since it is only a matter of writing alone, and there is no equivalent corresponding between Arabic and Indonesian, it was I do not think we need permasalahkan. Agreed huh? :)
Prayer law Tahajud
Laws implementing tahajud prayer is sunnah. But all's sunnah prayers tahajud not like regular sunnah. Tahajud prayer is Sunnah muakkad (very disunnahkan or highly recommended).
Another understanding of sunnah sunnah muakkad is always done by the Prophet Muhammad, or sunna are rarely abandoned by the Prophet Muhammad. Examples sunnah prayers muakkad else was praying Duha and tarawih prayers.
Tahajud Prayer in the Qur'an
Tahajud Prayer in the Qur'an
Regarding tahajud prayer, Allah says:
ومن اليل فتهجدبه نا فلة لك عسى ان يبعسك ربك مقاما محمودا.
It means: "And on most nights, the Take prayers tahajud as an additional worship for you, hopefully your Lord lift you to a commendable" (QS. Al Isra 79)
The above verse clearly shows the command to work tahajud prayer at night. Tahajud prayer in that paragraph is intended as an additional worship for us. But command here does not mean mandatory, legal work remains tahajud sunnah prayers.
In another verse, Allah Almighty also says:
كانوا قليلا من الليل ما يهجعون () وبالأسحار هم يستغفرون
This means:
17. in the world they are a little sleep at night. 18. and always ask forgiveness in the morning before dawn. (QS. Az-Zariya: 17-18.)
In this verse Allah gives cues about the person praying tahajud. To know the interpretation of each verse, we should use the interpretation that has been popular as Jalalain, Tafsir Ibn Kathir or other. This is to avoid ourselves from wrong understanding.
Prayer Tahajud dala
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